I love motivational posts, positive quotes, happiness quotes and any inspirational quote. I always feel great and more inspired after reading some motivational quotes. Here are 10 motivational quotes that I found that I really loved.
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Motivational Quotes for Happiness, Work and Life #1
Results happen over time, not over night. Work hard, stay consistent and be patient

Motivational Quotes for Happiness, Work and Life #2
True self care is not bath salts and chocolate cake. It’s about building a life that you don’t need to escape from – Briana Weist

Motivational Quotes for Happiness, Work and Life #3
For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life that you are proud of and if you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again. F. Scott Fitzgerald

Motivational Quotes for Happiness, Work and Life #4
How your life feels is more important than how it looks

Motivational Quotes for Happiness, Work and Life #5
Consistency is what takes something you do one day and turns it into a lifestyle – Lalah Delia

Motivational Quotes for Happiness, Work and Life #6
What you aren’t changing, you are choosing. Remember that.

Motivational Quotes for Happiness, Work and Life #7
Every morning, you have a new opportunity to become a happier version of yourself

Motivational Quotes for Happiness, Work and Life #8
Don’t let your ice-cream melt while you are counting someone else’s sprinkles

Motivational Quotes for Happiness, Work and Life #9
Evaluate the people in your life, then promote, demote or terminate. You are the CEO of your own life.

Motivational Quotes for Happiness, Work and Life #10
Pressure makes diamonds

Hope you enjoyed these motivational quotes for happiness, work and life.